Am I leaving school with an excellent academic foundation?
Yes !
Am I leaving with some life skills that I have learnt along the way?
Yes !
The Issue
Are students FULLY empowered to UNLOCK their potential by being provided skills as they become independent adults?
Of course not!
The G A P
Practical skills
Our Approach
What we offer
General Learning Capabilities in Version 9.0 of the Australian Curriculum
Year 7-10
This course is mapped to the curriculum general learning capabilities covering topics in: Critical and Creative Thinking, Intercultural and Ethical Understanding, Personal and Social Capabilities
Year 10-12
Employability and Financial Literacy Skills
Students build upon knowledge learned in previous years and go on to refine their Employability and Financial Literacy Skills mapped to a Certificate 1. Upon completion receiving Strive Credentials.
Case study
That is why this is a complimentary offering to all students! Assessing their enterprise capabilities where teachers can access a full report of cohort averages in each skill set.
Upon request individual student reports can be provided.
Online and accessible
Our course offerings build year on year so that students approach to personal excellence is precise. We unpack each topic through educational podcasts that build on to tackling popular student questions and queries
Real engagement
The courses are super accessible for students to encourage independent learning. This means the school simply provides the portal as a resource for students!
Measured, managed and maintained
The core program can be tailored to each schools needs as no two schools are the same. If you value connectivity and "in person" approaches, we are more than capable of adapting.